Eating in the vehicle

Eating in the car is allowed in most countries!

Early in the morning on the way to work, due to the time pressure, it is fast bread roll with a coffee to go in the car a frequent alternative.
This also applies to longer journeys or holiday trips. In the vehicle, the concentration is directed to the road, so the falling of bread crumbs, covers and spreads can be reduced. a splash of coffee or Coke hardly avoid. These are usually not removed immediately.
On the carpet as well as on the upholstery, the natural decomposition process of food begins. This results in moulds and other germs.

Crumb monsters in the car:
With children in the vehicle, it is almost impossible to avoid dirt. Biscuit crumbs here, spilled drinks there.
Especially with toddlers, you should be very careful that these with dirty hands not in the mouth, or grasp themselves in the face.

Especially if you transport small children in your vehicle, hygiene and disinfection is an important must.
With the occasional suction, these residues can no longer be completely eliminated. Over time, a remarkable biotope is created in our vehicle.

We recommend to disinfect the vehicle regularly by a specialist company with Carbioclean. Depending on the use 2-4 times per year.